My own health journey with type 1 diabetes and other chronic conditions has always been a challenge and a blessing. Your health journey is individual to you and as an Integrative Nutrition & Health Coach, I'm here to help find your path back to wellness & healing.
I’ve had the amazing experience to have health coaches help me with weight-loss and my diabetes. However, my practice is not limited to what I’ve experienced. I’m an IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) graduate with a Bachelor’s in Health and Wellness. I understand that health is multi-dimensional and bio-individual. I’ll help you find what works for you!
Hello! My name is Jinjoo
Jinjoo - Name Meaning and Pronunciation (Pearl in English)
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The idea of “String of Pearls” represents two things:
Psychotherapist Phil Stutz’ philosophical framework of growth, and progress.
the plant, senecio rowleyanus, representing good luck, prosperity, and abundance.
Another reason the name has meaning to me is that my name, Jinjoo (진주), which means pearl in Korean.
My Approach
It all begins with a desire to change something important to you:
your relationship with food,
wanting to get back to the gym,
dealing with stress at home and work, or
just feeling better physically because of your physical health.
Phil Stutz (featured on the Netflix movie Stutz), created a tool called the “String of Pearls.” Each pearl on a string represents one action. Every action small or big, contributes equally. Every action is not about perfection but progress. Continuing to progress and adding a pearl to your string to move forward regardless of the failures or outcomes.
A String of Pearls plant (official name the senecio rowleyanus), represents prosperity and abundance in many cultures. I want you to be prosperous and abundant in your health.
What is Integrative Nutrition?
Integrative nutrition is about the whole individual,
meaning all aspects of their life.
Your bio-individuality makes your challenges uniquely you.
Primary nutrition is about how we nourish ourselves from all the areas of health:
We are social beings and relationships or community can have profound effects on our health.Intellectual
This includes creativity, knowledge/skills, or learning.Occupational
Professional or educational purposes and satisfaction affect our health, as well as stress or burnout.Physical
Chronic illness, disease, age, diet, and physical activity are all physical or physiological things that may affect how much we can or can’t control.Spiritual
Connecting to something that gives you a sense of purpose in life.Environmental
Our demographics, location, or home environment can impact our well-being.Financial
We all live in the real world and money mindsets or financial struggles can hinder our ability to feel confident and empowered.Emotional
As social beings, we also deal with a lot every day. Are you checking in with yourself emotionally?Psychological
Our individual experiences shape how we think of the world and ourselves.